Tulsa Endodontic Associates is a proud supporter of www.okmom.org
MOM: The Oklahoma Mission of Mercy, or OkMOM, is a two-day, free dental clinic offering treatment to patients that are either uninsured, under-insured or would normally not have access to dental care. At the event, patients will undergo a dental screening to identify their needs and determine a treatment plan. Each patient is then routed to the appropriate areas of the clinic: oral surgery, endodontics, extractions, restorations, pediatrics and hygiene. Each year, OkMOM volunteers anticipate treating as many patients as possible over the course of the event. Dr. Stone, Dr. Ritter, and the staff have volunteered for several years and love giving their time and services for this awesome mission.
Join us for the 10th annual OkMOM 2019 at the Oklahoma City Fairgrounds on February 1st & 2nd. For more information about this amazing organization, please visit their website at www.okmom.org.
EODDS: (Eastern Oklahoma Donated Dental Services) The organization’s mission statement is: “The provision of free dental services, preventative dental education, and free oral/denture health care supplies to economically disadvantaged, mentally/physically disabled or elderly eastern Oklahomans, and to seek new opportunities to provide dental services to vulnerable populations”. Dr. Stone and Dr. Ritter are pleased to see patients referred to them from EODDS by helping them with their endodontic needs. Tulsa Endodontic Associates has been seeing patients for EODDS for several years with plans to continue. For more information about this great organization, please visit their website at www.eodds.org

Dr. Stone and Tulsa Endodontic Associates also donate and support many other worthy community and national organizations and local schools, including groups in Tulsa, Jenks, Broken Arrow, Bixby, and internationally.