We would like you to know our policy regarding fees. Fees vary with the type of tooth and the complexity of treatment and are made available to you prior to treatment.
Payment for services is expected at the time of treatment. Our fees for services are the same for all patients, whether or not they have dental insurance. Our treatment is provided on the basis that you will pay the full fee for service if there is no dental insurance to be filed. Dr. Stone, Dr. Ritter and Dr. Siegler are preferred providers for Delta Dental (PPO & Premier plans) and Cigna Dental (PPO plan only). For your convenience we accept Master Charge, Visa, American Express and Discover cards. Care Credit payment plan is also accepted. You can apply online at carecredit.com. If you have any questions regarding our policy or fees, please call our office. For additional information or to apply for Care Credit, visit their website at www.CareCredit.com
Our office will submit charges to your insurance carrier. Your estimated portion is due the day of your appointment.
We accept and file all major dental insurance plans but we are preferred, in-network providers for Delta Dental PPO & Premier, Cigna Dental PPO. Other than these listed in-network plans, all other dental estimates given and dental claims filed, will be based on the out of network coverage. To best understand your dental plan, call the toll free number listed on your dental insurance card.